Softub San Bernardino


Hot tubs have been around far longer than most people realize – namely, thousands of years. Ancient Roman bath houses incorporated natural hot water springs for stone and marble ‘hot pools’. Fast forward to today and hot tubs continue to be coveted as the mark of luxury relaxation.

There is just something about bubbling water in a hot tub that soothes the body, mind, and soul. The only drawback is the price – this is where American Softub Co. comes in! American Softub’s lightweight, go-anywhere spas offer an affordable alternative to pricey, acrylic hot tubs.

Is it time your San Bernardino backyard became a personal get-away with a Softub spa waiting for you? The heat, buoyancy, and massage features of hot-water spas are known for improved sleep, reduced stress, more-relaxed muscles, relief from aches and pains, better cardiovascular health, and more – this, according to the Journal of Physiological Anthropological Applied Human Science.

Since 1996, American Softub has offered a generous inventory of soft-sided spas, and we specialize in repair services, restoration, and maintenance services, as well. We offer accessories & supplies which ensure a type of delight, delectation, and mood enhancement our San Bernardino customers savor, any time they desire!

Softub Spas – You’ll Love All the Benefits

At American Softub, we offer an array of spa options that are, conveniently, mobile – designed to be enjoyed outside or inside your San Bernardino location.  The amenities and advantages of Softub spas are directly related to the technology and ergonomic designs embedded in each design.


Our Softub spas are exceptionally:


Affordable – An innovative heat-recovery system allows our spas to operate very inexpensively, using only a standard 3-prong outlet. In Los Angeles, with consistently-mild temperatures, the typical Softub spa requires only 4 kw hours of electricity/day to stay 102 degrees F. Enjoy a Softub spa experience every day for about $15/month – the most energy-efficient hot tub, gallon for gallon.


Convenient – A level surface, inside or outside, is all you need. Our lightweight Softub spas require no concrete pad, and can be positioned almost anywhere.


Safe – Softub spas possess soft, highly-durable wall construction – no hard edges or corners. The non-slip surface provides a better grip than hard acrylic surfaces. An insulated, locking thermal top conserves heat & water and ensures safety.


Efficient – Set up is so easy. No tools are required. Just roll, connect, and fill! American Softub will be happy to set up your spa for you, in minutes.


Comfortable – Interchangeable hydro-jets provide powerful, soothing water therapy. Padded surfaces are comfortable and cushy. Spacious barrier-free, extended seating allows for lounging for up to 6 adults, depending on design. The low-profile allows for effortless entering and exiting.


Portable – Our Softub spas easily roll through a doorway, down stairs, or across a yard – the most portable spa in the world. The tub weights less than 75 pounds. Once your spa is set up, all you do is plug it in!


Eco-friendly – Our company exceeds strict, national compliance. No VOCs are emitted during manufacturing, and excess materials are recycled.


Durable – Our spa interiors are made from Polybond – originally developed for furnishing space capsules. The outer LeatherTex casing is marine-grade and known for extreme durability – easily withstanding UV rays, scorching heat, and frigid temperatures.

Softub Spas – Enjoyed Throughout the World

Families in San Bernardino and throughout California love Softub spas, and so do world-class athletes at the Olympic Games. We distribute our Softubs throughout the US and across the globe.

Our team takes great pride with Softub Inc. having been the recipient of Consumers’ Digest ‘Best Buy Award’ for our 140 and 220 models. As one of America’s fastest-growing privately-owned companies, Softub has also appeared on the ‘Inc 500’, for three consecutive years.

Contact Softub – Where Therapy and Relaxation Merge

Spa lovers in San Bernardino can:

  • Call (818) 957-8827 for immediate assistance
  • Get a real feel for our spas at 2520-B Foothill Blvd. La Crescenta-Montrose, CA 91214
  • Visit for more information on all our fine products